CEO Today Europe Awards
39 CEO Today Europe Awards 2018 germany JÖRG WIEMER Co-Founder & CEO of TIS ABOUT JÖRG WIEMER Jörg Wiemer (MBA, CEFA), is co-founder and CEO of TIS. Jörg draws on more than 20 years of experience in the treasury and corporate finance area, with his most recent previous appointment being Senior Vice President and Head of Global Treasury at SAP, where he and his teamwere responsible for treasury, financial risk management and capital markets activities of SAP. He developed the global operations of those business areas and positioned the team as an advisor to the Board and its subsidiaries. He also successfully coordinated debt capital market transactions and streamlined payment processes for more security and efficiency. Joerg served as project lead or steering committee member in many projects, including M&A post-merger integration, changemanagement in finance transformation, acquisition financing, people development program, international working capital management project across board areas (cash flow generation), share buy back strategy, treasury system implementation, asset allocation, external rating strategy and design of stock based compensation program. What drove Jörg to co-found TIS? “The company which I co-founded in 2010 is based on the pain I had experienced over the past 20 years in finance as Senior Vice President, Head of Global Treasury, Finance Director and Head of Investor Relations. What was the root of my pain? IT complexity and inefficient financial processes. Consequently, costs and operational risks were too high while transparency and flexibility too low. This lack of transparency kept me awake at night while I was responsible for managing € 3 bn cash flows, € 3.5 bn cash and € 4 bn financial debt. I then saw my big problem as a great opportunity. Leveraging my own experience, I formed and inspired a world-class team and overcame several barriers. Together with the TIS team I brought something completely new into existence, and something customers really like. Basically, TIS was missing in my business life and in the world of finance. Companies today need real-time access to cash flow information to remain agile and make well-informed business decisions in an everchanging and complex environment. TIS delivers SMART corporate B2B PAYMENTS to help customers make BETTER DECISIONS. Through the power of SaaS, TIS delivers quick time to value to a fast-growing TIS customer community. Now, I’m no longer awake at night due to my big problem, but due to my great opportunity - to get even more ambitious things done in an inefficient and underpenetrated growing market.” Joerg`s recommendation to CXO`s: “As any scrappy entrepreneur will tell you, cash burn rates provide a very good sense for the steady-state health of the business. Detailed cash flow metrics are a must have. However, large organizations rarely use these metrics to run their business. They still rely on accounting data. This triggers some problems, because accounting data is an opinion from yesterday, after the accountant has done his work. Only cash tells you the truth in real time. CXO`s have realized that cash flow is the lifeblood of a business and payment processes are carrying this lifeblood. TIS delivers smart payment processes to help great organizations to make better decisions in real time.” FIRM PROFILE TIS is the leading cloud platform for managing corporate payments and cash flows. TIS enables companies to make more efficient, more secure and more cost-effective payment transactions. Also, TIS allows customers to make better decisions when analyzing financial and operational performance, based on real-time payment flows. All mission-critical processes related to payment transactions are integrated into a multibank-capable, audit- proof cloud platform. This is a single point of contact for enterprise customers when managing and analyzing their payment flows across the organization. TIS takes care of managing various payment formats, communication channels with banks, and ERP- agnostic integration. Offered as Software as a Service (SaaS), the ISO and SOC2 certified TIS solutions are quickly up and running without the complexity and cost of an extended IT project
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